
Dubai International Airport is the primary airport serving Dubai, United Arab Emirates and is the world's busiest airport by international passenger traffic. It is also the 3rd busiest airport in the world by passenger traffic, the 6th busiest cargo airport in world and the busiest hub for the Airbus A380. To read more about Dubai International Airport, click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubai_International_Airport . Dubai Airport's Advanced People Mover (APM) moves transiting passengers between Concourse A and Terminal 3. It is a driverless train, which works very efficiently. This film features exterior views of the train, as well as boarding, alighting and views from the train, including a driver's eye view of the journey to Concourse A. If you liked this film, you can also find my travel films and photography updates on the following social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mosstravel please like my Facebook page. WordPress: http://mosstraveltv.wordpress.com please follow my blog by clicking the +Follow link. Tumblr: http://stuartmoss.tumblr.com please follow my blog by clicking the +Follow button. Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/mosstraveltv/ . Blogger: http://mosstraveltv.blogspot.co.uk please follow my blog by bookmarking the page. Google+ just add +stuartmoss . Instagram: stumoss - https://instagram.com/stumoss/ . StumbleUpon: http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/stumoss . LiveJournal: http://stuartmoss.livejournal.com/ . You can follow my travels on Twitter @mosstraveltv or by visiting https://twitter.com/mosstraveltv .