
"Small" isn't in my dictionary. *Dubai has always been a building site, but there are more large projects under construction now than ever before. Dubai has ventured into some of the most greatest construction project starting from the 800+ meters high Burj Dubai tower to the largest man-made island where the Palm Jumeirah would number 120,000 residents and workers. The new airport complex, under construction about 25 miles southwest of old Dubai, is also no exception. The $10 billion Maktoum International Airport constructed near Jebel Ali will be the world's largest airport, bigger than London's Heathrow and Chicago's O'Hare combined. One of the main reasons for the boom in construction in Dubai is its drive to diversify the economy. Dubai's economy was built on the back of the oil industry, which developed rapidly after oil was first struck in the mid 1960s. Since then Dubai has developed a diverse economy and by 2000 the oil sector accounted for just 10 percent of Dubai's GDP. The city now has thriving manufacturing, finance, information technology and tourism sectors and is home to numerous multinational companies. Furthermore, the financial services industry grew remarkably and major international accountancy firms have offices in Dubai and the city is also home to dozens of national and locally incorporated international banks. However, no boom last forever. There are concerns that at some point things have to start to slowdown, but there are also comments saying that with oil fuelled liquidity at a record high in the region, Dubai's economy will have a soft landing. ニュースアニメ「建設ラッシュに沸くドバイ」 中東のアラブ首長国連邦のドバイが建設ラッシュに沸いている。完成すれば800メートル超となる世界一の最高層ビル「ブルジュ・ドバイ」、ペルシャ湾を埋め立て た人工島「パーム・ジュメイラ」...原油が1バレル90ドルを超えた昨年後半以降、産油国の投資家が目立ち、不動産投資は過熱する一方だ。ドバイの繁栄は、金融にも及ぶ。優遇税制をテコに欧米日の大手銀行、証券会社など約700社が進出、ドバイ首長国政府は15年までの実質経済成長率を中国を上回る年11%に掲げる。原油資源が乏しいドバイは、仲介貿易港として他の産油国との関係を深めてきた歴史がある。政府系開発企業が不動産を販売して資金を稼ぐとともに、世界中から優秀な経営者や弁護士を集め、海外の投資資金も呼び込んでいる。ただ繁栄の陰で、「いつかバブルがはじける」との不安も漂う。建設中のジュベル・アリ空港が完成すれば、年間旅客数1億3000万人と、英ヒースロー空港など世界のライバルを圧倒する規模になる。だが、「巨大な空港や不動産をだれが使うのか」との疑問も出始めている。