
I have received the following from Eric Clapton's management: "Eric is looking forward to appearing at Grodfest 4 on April 18th (Good Friday) 2014 at Cellars. I can understand from your recent email in reply that some of your Facebook friends have been thinking this is some kind of "April Fool Joke" and others have asked what the "Crossroads" charity is all about. Well in response to both we forward this EXCLUSIVE 1st copy of Eric's latest collaborations, a special video to promote the "Crossroads" Charity. The Crossroads is based in Antiga and a special facility /rehab unit for former cast members of the 1970's ATV daily soap opera "Crossroads, but also some of it's badly afflicted former viewers and other telly addicts. This special video has been made as a special therapy video for these suffers, with Eric's performance of "Crossroads" at the famous 1969 "Farewell Cream" concert at the Royal Albert Hall, including his amazing solo, mixed with footage of some of the finest acting performances from the former soaps vaults. It even especially incorporates a few bars of the famous soaps theme music. While this is obvious not available to the general public, as an "early-birthday present" we allow you to share the link of this video to all those peeps invited and playing at Grodfest4. Especially those doubters who think Eric Clapton will not actually be appearing to jam between 8-10pm and just a silly April Fool Joke.