
SUBSCRIBE to FACTS LIFE REALITY for Latest Videos - HUMAN CATAPULT / SLINGSHOT Base Jump in Dubai - Featuring Chris Douggs McDougall and Jimmy Pouchert The contraption, which was tested out by BASE jumpers Chris Douggs McDougall and Jimmy Pouchert, launches its victims over 300 feet into the Dubai sky. In just one second, they are catapulted from zero to 124 miles-per-hour where they endure 6Gs of force before launching their parachutes and safely returning to earth. Big Shout Outs go to Go Fast Energy and Skydive Dubai & Apex BASE 2013 : 1st place in World Extreme Base Championships, Spain 2013 : 1st place in Accuracy Competitions in both Turkey and China 2013 : First ever Base jumps in Kuwait from Al Hamra Tower 2012 : World first Night Human Slingshot, Dubai 2011 : World BASE Championships, 2nd place 2008 : UK ProBase 'Who's The Daddy': Overall Champion 2003/04 : BASE jumping World Champion: 1st place Aerobatics, 1st place Team, 1st place overall McDougall has completed more than 6900 skydives around the world. He is a 6 times national champion and former world record holder. Douggs is advanced in all aspects of skydiving including Free flying, Relative work, Canopy relative work, Wingsuit flying, Skydiving coaching & instructing, Tandem Skydiving and aerial Camera Flying. McDougall and Pouchert teamed up with Go Fast Energy and Skydive Dubai to make this absolutely insane project a reality. The daredevils were catapulted over 300ft into the sky, and took on over 6Gs during the rapid ascent upwards. Rather than pass out from fear or exhilaration, like we undoubtedly would, they keep their wits about them and are able to pull the cord on their chutes and float back down to earth. You need to watch this. It’s madness. Pure madness. The Terrifying Moment When A Skydiver Has A Seizure Mid-Flight – Instructor Comes To Rescue The Palm DZ offers visitors truly unique experiences. A tandem skydive from 13,000 feet above the Palm Jumeirah is an incredible experience and should be on everyone’s Dubai to-do list. Experienced skydivers can also avail of coaching, a full-service rigging loft, and free load organising. The Desert Campus DZ caters to adrenaline junkies who prefer to skydive solo, offering First Jump Courses (FJC) through the Accelerated Free Fall (AFF) program for those who wish to begin their skydiving journey Skydive Dubai operates Dubai "Base Jump" Slingshot Catapult "Human Slingshot" "Human Catapult" Extreme "Extreme Sports" POV Video Camera "Video Camera" Flight Jump Skydive "Skydive Dubai" Building skyscraper view amazing viral 2016 2017 summer "Summer 2016" Training School GoPro Sports Adventure "Apex Base" Speed adrenaline Parachute "G Force" Force Skyline Emirates UAE Experience trends trendy entertainment competition "Red Bull" "Facts Life Reality" the drop zone to the highest safety standards under the regulations of the Emirates Aerosports Federation (EAF). Apex BASE is the largest manufacturer of BASE specific equipment in the world. We are the only BASE Company that designs, manufactures, and distributes BASE jumping Harness / Containers and BASE specific Parachutes. We pride ourselves not only on the customer service we provide but also on the industry leading innovation and unparalleled manufacturing tolerances. BASE jumping is who we are, what we love to do, and where our focus is. Standing strong on a foundation as the first BASE Jumping equipment manufacturer, Apex brings more cumulative years of experience in BASE Jumping Two Russian climbers, Vadim Makhorov and Vitaliy Raskalov, who have gained a reputation as fearless photographers after climbing some of the world’s tallest buildings are at it again–this time taking on the tallest building in China, the Shanghai Tower, which is currently under construction. The Shanghai Tower measures in at 2,073 feet (632 meters) tall, making it the second tallest building in the world behind Dubai’s Burj Khalifa Adepts of buildering who are seen climbing on buildings without authorization are regularly met by police forces upon completing their exploit. Spectacular acts of buildering, such as free soloing skyscrapers, are usually accomplished by lone, experienced climbers, sometimes attracting large crowds of passers-by and media attention. These remain relatively rare.