
Part 8/20 The GE (General Electric) Building is the centerpiece of the Rockefeller Center which consists of 19 commercial buildings over 22 acres of space. GE's media holding includes television networks NBC and Telemundo, 27 television stations in the United States and many cable TV networks, including the History Channel, A&E, and Sci Fi Channel. It also owns the popular web-based TV website Hulu. Within their building on the 65th floor was the 'Rainbow Room' of New York which was made public then later closed due to 'financial' problems (lol!). Initiated Masons believe (or are told) that the light given from Rainbows are a link to the human soul and their God, Lucifer. Also there is a Masonic society known as 'The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls' which is the youth system of Masonry, and they hope the Rainbow Girls will go on to become Eastern Star Masons in later life. In the middle of this room is/was a sun, which is a deity for the Illuminati, this is Luciferian, occult sun-worship. At the entrance to the GE building is a friezes and a quote from the book of Isaiah, the God-like figure is holding a Masonic compass which forms a pyramid/triangle shape over the words 'Wisdom and Knowledge will be the Stability of thy Times'. They take knowledge very seriously, that's why they put millions of dollars into convincing the masses that there's nothing to know and any talk of knowledge is put to you as 'conspiracy theory'. Also at the Rockefeller Center is a sculpture of Altlas, a Titan punished by Zeus (Greek Mythology) and next you see 2 pics of Fritz Lang's Metropolis and Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, both of these feature Atlas, a metaphor for the elite 'upholding the world'. Prometheus brother of Atlas) is situated infront of the GE building and depicts the Titan of Greek mythology known for his great intelligence. He betrayed the god Zeus by stealing fire and giving it to mankind. He therefore credited to have taught mankind the arts of civilization such as writing, mathematics, agriculture, medicine and science. Zeus then punished Prometheus for his crime by having him bound to a rock while a great eagle ate his liver every day only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day. The fire represents enlightenment. Paul Manship's sculpture featured in the Sunken Plaza of the Rockefeller Center portays Prometheus holding the fire stolen from Zeus and gliding towards humanity. He lies inside a ring in which are outlined the signs of the Zodiac. Behind the statue is an inscription saying: "Prometheus, teacher in every art, brought the fire that hath proved to mortals a means to mighty ends." Placed in a commanding position in the city, the Presidential Palace sits at the end of a ceremonial route which starts with the Bayterek tower. A large dome sits on top of the palace, representing the female principle, in opposition to the phallic Bayterek tower -- the male principle. This layout is present in almost all important cities, including Rome, London, Washington DC and Paris. Then we have look at Central Library in Los Angeles, which, according to the Library's documentation, the architecture's central theme revolves around "illumination through the light of learning". Due to an arson fire in 1986, the building underwent extensive renovations and expansion but the central theme was faithfully respected. The artwork's spiritual and esoteric undertones make the entire complex a "temple of illumination". The building has numerous statues, and at the very top is a torch sculpture, which can also be found inside the library too as its own piece. It represents enlightenment or the ascent to divinty through the teachings of the ancient mysteries. In occult symbolism light and fire represent divine knowledge and enlightenment. Also, in Latin - 'Lucifer' translates as 'lighter bearer' (or light bringer), which is also the name of one of the statues that feature on the western side of the building.. Phosphor which means Light Bringer or Lucifer (Also refers to as Morning Star or Planet Venus during the morning) and Hesper who is the Greek God of Marriage & Weddings. At the top of the Library is probably its most distinctive feature, a tiled pyramid topped by a golden hand holding a torch, it has a deep occult meaning and is inspired by Freemasonry, with a sun-worship symbol on each side. In the occult, the pyramid is considered to be the ultimate symbol of the Mysteries. The torch is also on display inside the Library (the original). There, we can see more of the torch's detail, including the serpent of knowledge intertwining its base. In Latin, the word "Lucifer" means "light bearer". In occult symbolism, light and fire esoterically represent divine knowledge and enlightenment. A hand holding a lit torch therefore represents man's ascent to divinity through the teachings of the Mysteries