
mahesh manjrekar created magic in dubai. the guy is just amazing and absolutely bold to pull off such a mega event on an international venue. st.angelos computer education is proud to support MIFTA. the First mifta(marathi international film and theatre awards was held on 17th dec 2010 at dubai. the next one has been scheduled at london in september 2011. this is the first time ever that a regional language award function was ever held on international level. the event was graced by amitabh bachan as the chief guest who came in purely to attend the event. the entire marathi film industry was there and was held at palladium auditorium in the media city of dubai and is the best venue in dubai for such events. the hall was over crowded and marashtrain familes had travelled fm all over uae to witness the event and share a picture moment with thier favorite film starts.