
Tim Dye has been measuring our environment since he was a kid with his own weather station and a member of the North Jersey Weather Observers. "This was before the Internet," he points out, "so I guess it's not too surprising now that I'm 50 that I'm geeking out in my garage with instruments." His garage is filled with equipment: some of it part of his garage-based weather station kit, but much of it is related to his experiments testing affordable sensors to make it easier for anyone to test the quality of the air at home, in their neighborhood, workplace, school, etc. As air quality declines in many cities worldwide, this might become of interest to more of us. These days Dye helps the EPA test the air in America, but he recognizes that air quality can differ street by street and day by day and he thinks it's our right to know more about the air in our immediate environment. Working with AirCasting of New York City he's helped create a low-cost sensor system that uses Arduino and Android to record, map and share air quality data (carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, as well as temperature, humidity and noise levels). AirCasting (Arduino-based low-cost sensor): http://www.AirCasting.org Instruments shown: Met One Beta Attenuation Monitor (BAM): http://www.metone.com/particulate.php Thermo PDR-1500: http://www.thermoscientific.com/en/product/i-personal-i-dataram-pdr-1500-aerosol-monitor.html Dylos: http://www.dylosproducts.com/ Where Tim works: http://www.Sonomatech.com CitizenAir (community sharing) site: http://www.citizenair.net/ KidsMakingSense: http://www.KidsMakingSense.org Original story: http://faircompanies.com/videos/view/monitor-your-air-quality-using-an-arduino-android-diy-sensor/