
Chapter 50 of 95, "How to Go Solo Around the World in 24 Days", chronicles Paul Hodge's October 23 five hour taxi tour of Dubai. Included are shots of the Jumeirah Beach area and Dubai's Internet and Media Cities. "How to Go Solo Around the World in 24 Days" is the "first ever" video book to instruct viewers as to how to go around the world solo. By providing the viewer with detailed videos and commentary of his recent 24 day World adventure, author Paul Hodge, who has twice adventured around our planet, shows what it realistically takes to plan and successfully execute this life changing "bucket list" achievement. Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irJ4Wn13SZo On Nov 3, 2011, Paul returned from his 24 day solo adventure around our planet. The trip was fantastic because: Paul experienced a Kate Winslet walk-on, a live CNBC Michelle Caruso-Cabrera Athens news report, Athens and Madrid protests/riots, fire bombings, tear gassings, Beijing killer smog, a ride on one of the world's fastest trains, a Toyko/Fukishima Nuclear Alert, having his China videos used on international TV and a whole host of other World's wonders. In addition to all the foregoing, Paul gathered critical research data for his upcoming book on societal stability and population aging cycles. Paul's Research blog of the trip can be seen at: http://genpolicy.com/blog http://genpolicy.com/dubais-lesson-for-the-arab-world Paul's 24 day exploration around our planet was his second. His first was in 2008 for 7+ months, See Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjo8niCfHmE