
Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem Please share this video with anyone you know who smokes Shisha and might not be aware of the damages it causes. Allah says, "...make not your own hands contribute to your destruction..." (Qur'an 2:195); "...nor kill yourselves..." (Qur'an 4:29). There is a myth that smoking tobacco through a shisha pipe is safer than smoking tobacco in cigarettes because the smoke is filtered through water. This is not true. Although the smoke does pass through the water, this does not filter out the toxic chemicals and smoking a shisha pipe is as dangerous as smoking cigarettes. Shisha smoking is a growing concern because people aren't aware of the risks like they are with cigarette smoking. While research about hookah smoking is still emerging, shocking evidence so far shows that it poses many Dangers. ========================================= •|• REFLECT •|• ACT UPON •|• SHARE WITH OTHERS •|• + Subscribe Da'wah of Islam on YouTube ☛ http://www.youtube.com/DawahCalIIslam + Like Da'wah of Islam on Facebook ☛ http://www.facebook.com/DawahOfIslam ========================================= + All Credits Go To ☛ DigitalMimbar (khalifahklothing) + Subscribe DigitalMimbar (khalifahklothing) on YouTube ☛ http://www.youtube.com/khalifahklothing + Like DigitalMimbar (khalifahklothing) on Facebook ☛ https://www.facebook.com/TheMimbar + Re-uploaded from ☛ http://youtu.be/rIIsZws9Ijw?list=UUyxM7MgZkDe5stZpb6CiOcA