
You can watch the previous vlogs here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7hXNYQUUE6wl9XqTy5UQdA/videos In this vlog, we spend the entire day planning out the itinerary for when my sisters come to Dubai (I'm so excited to share it with you guys!) and also, the dress that broke the internet has me so confused! Lastly, we try out a new restaurant on Emaar Boulevard where they serve you an ENTIRE chicken :O which we were definitely not expecting lol Hope you guys enjoyed the vlog and please subscribe for more! Lots of love, Hira Restaurant info: Lunch: Spicy Chicken wrap from Zaatar w zeit https://www.zomato.com/dubai/zaatar-w-zeit-business-bay Dinner:Al Hamidieh Restaurant Opposite The Address Dubai Mall, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard, Downtown Dubai https://www.zomato.com/dubai/al-hamidieh-restaurant-downtown-dubai