
Top 10 amazing dubai buildings that were never built Some of the dubai's most ambitious buildings have never been completed and remain half built. Building has stalled for a number of reasons, including finance running out, recessions hitting and political unrest. “A building is considered to be ‘never completed’ when site works had begun, but were completely halted, and no reports indicate that construction will continue.” CHECK OUR FACEBOOK PAGE -https://www.facebook.com/Megaworldstudio BUILDINGS INFORMATION :- One Park Avenue | ~600m Nakheel tower 1,000 m Dubai Towers 400 m EP 15 TOWER | 600m | 120 fl LIGHTHOUSE TOWER, 64F Com, 402m DUBAI | Dynamic Tower | 388m | 1273ft | 80 fl | Pro Trump International Hotel and Tower dubai 270 m Anara Tower 600m One Dubai | 850m burj al alam tower 510 m dubai photo's copyright - Respective owner